the artist is pictured in three instax photos, the first smiling in front of a river in a red jacket, the second flexing in a paper mache Jimmy Ruckus head, the third hugging her beloved while getting bitten on the fluffy red-haired head

Lara is an illustrator, cartoonist, and art teacher living in Seattle with her beloved and their cat, Creeper.

Her first graphic novel, How to Pick a Fight (Nobrow Oct 2021), was shortlisted for the 2022 Excelsior Award for Graphic Novels for young readers, was an honoree for the 2022 Lynd Ward Graphic Novel Prize, and won a 2022 British Book Design and Production Award.

Clients include: REI, the Stranger, Seattle Sounders FC, Watershed Community Development, Northwest Film Forum, RealChange News, and the Joketellers Union.

She’s currently at work on a new picture books for young people, Beware the Beast (agent and publisher inquiries welcome)!